A vocation


For the past 16 years, Ce has utilized her certified training in Integrative Behavioral Kinesiology, Spiritual Response Technique, Social Artistry, and Ancestral Clearing to re-code and re-template individuals to help bring forth their optimal potential. The techniques she uses can bring to surface the old programs, repeating patterns, archetypes, and outmoded paradigms that run our lives, resulting in a complete “relationshift” with ourselves and the world around us. By clearing blocks, root triggers, limitations, and belief systems, clients can awaken to who they are at a core level - their own hero’s journey and ideal template.

Ce focuses on the four major levels of energy that affect our lives:

Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual


The work


The psychological and spiritual wounds that we experience in our lives are stored in our cellular memory. Our bodies can regularly continue to hold and store these past traumas and negative events. This can at times create problems and challenges in our lives by causing us to react to people, situations, and circumstances that trigger those buried memories. It can often result in feeling dis-empowered, living in unhealthy patterns of behavior, and can potentially manifest into physical problems.

Through an Integration Process, Ce’s clients can uncover their inner wisdom, their inherent intention, and guiding motivation. They can also learn to remove, release, transmute, and transform negative patterns, belief systems, and behaviors. By clearing any possible blocks, clients have reported an increase in self-actualization, freedom from conflict, a better health experience, peace of mind, and clarity of purpose.



Ce's background


A Graduate of Indiana University, Ce has a BA in International Communications. She has also served as a Board member and founder of the L-I-F-E Foundation, which raised money for alternative education through edutainment (educate, inform, entertain, and inspire others) by the production and promotion of Spoken Word performances, especially youth poets, and live concerts.

In her past positions as a Sales Director for a company that sold environmental products and working in sales and business development for an online marketing and branding company, her principal focus revolved around developing and strengthening relationships with her sales team and online business partnerships. This sparked an evolving interest regarding what inherently moved people and what aspects shut them down. Ce’s path eventually shifted towards learning different modalities that uncovered profound elements regarding human behavior, which also resulted in the discovery of her own spiritual journey and innate purpose.

Ce's certifications:

  • Certified in Behavioral Kinesiology

  • Certified in Spiritual Response Technique (SRT)

  • Certified Leadership Training - Social Artistry (The art of enhancing the human capacity in the light of social complexity) with the Jean Houston Foundation

  •  Certified Advance Practitioner in Ancestral Healing

  •  Ordained Peace Minister with the Beloved CommUNITY

  •  CoFounder and CoCreator of the Qu.E.S.T. Process (Quantum Evolutionary  Soul/Self Templating)

Ce resides in beautiful Colorado. Her biggest motivation in her life and her most supportive cheerleaders are her two daughters. She finds them to be her most authentic teachers, always empowering as well as challenging her to reach her next level.